Episode 59 – Hard Nock Life

With Robert now gone, Rhogar and Nock must face the latest nightmare alone. Rhogar faces the deadliest creature our campaign has ever seen, will he outsmart the creature? Fight it? Send it to a prison and betray it? Who knows what’s going on in our mad paladins head, but from were I’m sitting things seem incredibly dire.

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Episode 57 – Mayweather Friend

Poor Robert Mayweather has not had the best time so far in the Dreamlands. Torn apart by alien hell dogs, failed to infiltrate by slithering through the floor like a snake, then finally arrested by the followers of Yig and thrown in jail. Now as he plots his escape of from the dungeon depths, Rhogar appears to have his own plans in mind, and seeing Roberts luck so far… I don’t think it’s going to end well for him.

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